Wednesday 12 September 2012

Kidulthood First 5 Minutes Into Film

The first five minutes of watching the famous film 'Kidulthood' i had very different opinions going threw my mind when watching the way they portrayed the young generation in the UK, the use of kids doing drugs in the playground to the disgusting violence towards one another and the fowl language being used by one another. They were connoted to be such a threat and danger towards the whole society and possibly brings an thought to the readers a very negative side to teenagers. i strongly believe that they are really portrayed in a wrong way though, as most teenagers do not act how they are represented in the film which is very unfair for teenagers as they can not have the power to prove audiences that they are not seen as what they are portrayed in 'Kidulthood'


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  2. WWW: You immediately address the question that was asked about whether the film subverts or reinforces dominant ideologies.

    EBI: You have not used textual analysis to support your ideas. Next time use CLAMPS to help you analyse the mise-en-scene and to ensure you use evidence from the text. Perhaps a P.E.A (POINT, EVIDENCE, ANALYSE) paragraph structure may help you to do this.
    LR: Analyse the mise-en-scene from from the opening 5 mins of the film and apply CLAMPS: I.e. How do the Costumes, Lighting, Actors, Make-up, Props and Setting in the opening reinforce or challenge the dominant ideology of society? Write a P.E.A (POINT, EVIDENCE, ANALYSE) paragraph for each one.
